Friday, July 1, 2016

Light & Airy Blend

Steam diffusers can be a necessity in some households, it sure is in mine! Every night, before bed, I'll read, or watch a movie while I diffuse that night's scent selection. Often times, it helps calm me down enough to lay down and give into sleep, other times it helps me breathe (which can be an absolute blessing during allergy season) clearly enough to relax into sleep. This specific blend gives me sweet dreams, and when I say sweet, I mean sweet. Since Nightmares are a common product of Autism, it's important to keep peaceful scents around. The sweet/peaceful/happiness inducing scent helps keep the person in a good frame of mine while falling asleep,which often helps beat those night time monsters! I've heard Juniper Berry also helps! 

Not only does this give me sweet dreams, it helps open my lungs up to a degree for deeper, easier sleeping. 

Please use Eucalyptus oil with caution, as it slows the breathing in children under 5. 

Light and Airy scents are always welcome in my house so it won't practically suffocate my husband or our cat. It's calming enough to help guide me to sleep land, but light enough that my husband, with his super sniffer, won't get a stomach cramp. 

Have ADHD? Are your default modes fast forward and stop? Then this is your pause button! How do I know? I have ADHD and can attest to this! 

Peaceful Sleep is produced by Now Foods.