Friday, August 12, 2016

Problematic Suicide Squad

While I refuse to see the movie, I know that the Joker and Harley Quinn are once again thrust into the spotlight. Geeklings everywhere will think that they're the epitome of love, and will try to seek out a similar relationship for their own. If Jared Leto's acting isn't bad enough, now there's even more reason to hate such a horrendous film. Harley Quinn and the Joker are nothing to romanticize. I understand that they're not the only problematic couple in cinematic history, but let's face it, with the comicbook movie craze that's taken the US by storm, this is going to make more than a simple little splash. This halloween there'll be women dressed as Harley with this beau dressed as the laughably updated version of the Joker. They're going to let them refer to themselves as 'Daddy' and think this is perfectly acceptable, not remembering that the Joker tossed Harley out of a window for simply catching Batman and delivering him to the Joker. This, ladies and gents and other-gendered-awesomeness, isn't even the worst of it. This is just the tip of the proverbial fucking iceberg. He's emotionally, verbally, and physically abusive. He repeatedly puts her down, pushes her off of things, yells at her, and she just takes it all because 'he really loves me, right? I just make him angry, that's all'


The joker does not love Harley, doesn't appreciate her, nor does he respect her. To him, he's a pathetic little tool to be utilized until she's no longer useful. The person you love will not require you to alter your appearance for their own selfish 'need'. Where did this come from, you ask? The Joker dunked Harley into a vat of the same chemicals that bleached his own skin. Yes, she agreed to it, but had he not brought it up, she most likely wouldn't have even asked for it, but who knows. Stockholm Syndrome causes people to do some crazy shit. 

Especially if you think they love you, when they beat you senseless, nearly to the point of death, and send you flowers afterwards. Harley is a battered woman, and it takes Batman talking some sense into her, to make her realize this. The Joker is a manipulative piece of pasty garbage who has nothing better to do than beat on someone who threatens him with her intelligence. Thankfully, DC split the 'dynamic duo' up and showed the better side of Harley. 

She and Poison Ivy are romantically involved, I believe, Harley is now located in Brooklyn, she's got a thousand and one pets, a lofty apartment, couple of jobs and true friends. In Harley Quinn she talks about how badly the Joker treated her, and now she's just trying to start over, create her own image, and keep as far from the Joker as possible, and it's refreshing to see.

As a '90s kid, I grew up watching Harley swoon over her puddin' pop, do his bidding, and get into her share of trouble. I secretly wanted a love like that, where I could be myself, act as goofy as my little heart could take, and my partner would keep me in line. As I grew up, I started seeing the cracks in their relationship, and eventually had found my own dangerous relationship. The result? I was informed that I was to marry my partner at the time, that he was going to propose and I was expected to accept, over a cheap dinner. He had the number of children I was to give him, already picked out, and he had our lifestyle picked out as well. We were going to continue living with his parents until he was able to afford our home, and life, in his eyes, was going to be perfect. I had dreams of being a professional artist, which he successfully crushed like a bug. Thankfully, my mom intervened and helped me to see the problems in this, much like Batman did for Harley. I was not the reason he hit me, I was not anything he tried to convince me I was, and I deserved better, and so does our dear Harley Quinn. 

If people are going to romanticize anyone, they should be focusing on Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. Ivy spoils Harley, helps her rescue animals that are slated to be euthanized, supports her when she falls in love with someone else, and always remains there for her. Ivy is happy, when Harley is happy, which is how a real relationship works. She unconditionally loves Harley, and sticks with her through thick and thin, and it's quite amazing. 

So it all boils down to, do your research, and understand the signs of abuse and DO NOT TEACH YOUR CHILDREN THAT THE SIGNS OF ABUSE MEAN LOVE. THAT'S SETTING THEM UP FOR A LIFETIME OF FAILURE AND HEARTACHE.